VGC METH LAB: A wake-up call for Property owners!

2 mins read
meth lab

The continuous rise in the tide of crime and criminality which no doubt is remotely linked to the worrisome spate of insecurity presently sweeping across Nigeria is one that has assumed frightening dimensions. News of crimes, killings and other forms of vices have become so commonplace today that mainstream media especially those of the western world no longer consider them worthy of reportage.

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Whilst not holding brief for the Nigerian police and other security agencies for their lacklustre performance in curbing the rising wave of crime in the country, the ingenuity of the perpetrators in devising novel means to remain in business is one that should be a cause of worry for all.

Recently, from the confines of the well-protected and highly secured Victoria Garden City (VGC) in the Lekki area of Lagos emanated news of a sting operation based on intelligence by officials of the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) that led to the discovery of a meth lab in a premises occupied by one Mr and Mrs Emeka Nzewi who alongside their accomplices have since been arrested.

The practice of using properties in gated estates cocooned in highbrow areas predominantly occupied by influential people where security agencies often require a pass before access is granted to bust a suspect as fronts for the sole purpose of crime is one of the incentives that make certain properties’ location to be designated ‘choice area’.

In this era of Airbnb apartments where all an occupant needs do is bolt without any worries of leaving valuables behind, it behooves on property owners and their agents to ensure due diligence whilst conducting background checks on prospective tenants.

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Asides helping owners avoid problems with the authorities, it also gives a sense of security on the safety of the property considering recent legislations by many House of Assemblies empowering different state governments to demolish properties found to either harbor criminals or used in perpetuating crime.

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